A Wicket user tries JSF

A year or so back I attempted to learn JSF and even bought one of the recommended books. But after reading through the first hundred or so pages, I came to the conclusion that it was too complicated and un-intuitive. The code samples looked ugly to me in a way that was difficult to explain. The fact that there was a different expression language (with a ‘#’ instead of ‘$’) to get used to when I was just getting comfortable with JSP EL did not help either.

So I gave up trying to learn JSF and decided to concentrate on Spring MVC at that time.

Fast forward to today and the main trigger for my current experiments with JSF is because after my recent blog post on migrating from Spring MVC / WebFlow to Wicket, I am increasingly being asked whether I ever tried JSF.

So I have attempted to write a very simple application (based on MyFaces) and I will try to compare it side by side with the exact same functionality implemented in Wicket. I just started with JSF a couple of days back so feel free to comment and let me know if I missed something fundamental and I will update things either in this post or the next.

This is supposed to be a “discussion forum” application and there is only one domain object called “Forum” with two String fields “name” and “description”. Maybe in the future I will include “Topic” and “Message” objects but for now I’m trying to keep things as simple as possible.


There are only two screens. The home page is a list of Forum(s) in the system. There is a link to create a new Forum. This brings up the other screen which is a form with two text fields and a submit button. After a successful submission, you are taken back to the home page and the newly created Forum appears in the list.

NetBeans 5.5 is being used. I deploy to a Jetty instance that I set up manually because I want to also compare the Jetty “footprint” required for Wicket vs MyFaces. With some digging I’ve tried to arrive at the bare minimum “quickstart” config required, for example the web.xml file cannot be possibly smaller. I’m using Maven2 directory and naming conventions. Defaults are used as far as possible. In the side by side comparison images below JSF is on the left and Wicket is on the right.

So here goes:

Project Structure

  • Wicket does not require any extra XML config like you have faces-config.xml for JSF
  • Wicket does not require JSPs
  • By default, Wicket expects the markup (*.html files) to be side by side with the *.java files corresponding to components – e.g. Page(s). Some people find this a bit odd but this keeps things simple and there are some very good reasons for this. You can change this convention if you really want to.
  • The MyFaces application requires an “index.jsp” welcome-file to redirect to the virtual home page URL

Jetty Footprint
Since Wicket does not require JSP support – the Jetty footprint is much smaller – the contents of the Jetty “lib” folder come down from 6.16 MB to 692 KB

Library Dependencies
Even without using Tomahawk etc., MyFaces requires far more dependencies than Wicket i.e. 10 vs 4 JAR files

Wicket does not require any kind of XML configuration at all and the “faces-config.xml” file does not have any equivalent. Navigation logic is performed in pure Java code which is much more flexible and type-safe and you don’t need to synchronize multiple files.

A servlet filter handles all the framework stuff in Wicket. This has some advantages like you can map the root of your context path “/” to the home page. Anything not meant for the Wicket filter like images, css reources etc. will be ignored by the filter.

You need to tell Wicket where your “Application” class is located. This Application class is used primarily to point to the designated home page.

The Wicket Application Class
In a real life application, this is where you would manage references to the service-layer, configure security and various other things. Here we are just configuring the home page.

The “List Forums” Screen

  • The wicket markup is pure HTML but the MyFaces JSP is a mixture of JSP, HTML, JSF tags and JSF EL
  • In the case of Wicket you can see that the complexity clearly moves out of the markup into the Java code. In the JSF version, the only thing the backing class is doing is setting up the model / list
  • You don’t need a specialized IDE to edit the Wicket version – HTML editing and Java editing support is sufficient. In the case of JSF you have to rely on IDE support when the UI gets complex
  • If you make a spelling mistake in the JSF EL expressions – you won’t know until run time – but the Java code that renders dynamic data in the Wicket version does not have that problem, you benefit from your IDE syntax coloring, refactoring suppport etc.
  • The JSF version is using a “dataTable” control. For Wicket we are using a ListView repeater control and creating a table manually. Even then, this is very simple code and you have much more control over the markup. The JSF dataTable documentation is not for the faint of heart and runs into a few pages. That is a lot of complexity you don’t need most of the time. BTW Wicket does provide a range of grid controls in the Wicket extensions project
  • Instead of navigation rules defined in faces-config.xml and the need to synchronize this with the action /event names you use in your JSP or backing class – in Wicket you can easily navigate from page to page by using the right “Link” components or setResponsePage()
  • Instead of using “id” which has a lot of significance in terms of (X)HTML – Wicket uses a namespace so “wicket:id” is the attribute you use to link your Java code and markup. Relying on the “id” attribute can lead to all kinds of unpleasant name collisions in JSF.

The “Create New Forum” Form
In addition to the points in the previous section:

  • In JSF you declare and configure components in the markup and you have to use the right tags (e.g. h:form, h:inputText, h:commandButton) and the right attributes (e.g. to mark an input field as “required”). JSF is supposed to be a component oriented framework but I wouldn’t call them Java components and definitely not Object Oriented.
  • In Wicket you use normal HTML tags in the markup and in the Java code, you instantiate and attach the core components (e.g. TextField) or extend them as required (e.g. Form). All the behavior, and things like setting a field as “required” happen in pure Java code.
  • In this case for Wicket the value of the “wicket:id” attribute on the input text fields also serves as OGNL notation for HTML form –> POJO binding – which reduces the amount of configuration.
  • Rather than rely on a h:panelGrid to layout the form fields it is easier and more intuitive to use plain old HTML tables for this purpose.
  • The screenshot below demonstrates how the “ForumFormPage.html” file looks like when opened in a browser. Being valid HTML, Wicket markup files can be previewed and edited as such. Wicket provides for true separation of concerns and HTML screen design and layout can *really* be done by a team separate from the Java development team


Generated HTML
The HTML generated by MyFaces is unbelievably verbose and contains all kind of strange javascript which I never, ever would have expected. If there is one reason to stay away from MyFaces, this is it.

You can click on the links below to see the output. If your browser renders the HTML instead of displaying the raw text, just do “view source”.

For Wicket, the generated HTML is clean like you would expect. And note that the Wicket specific attributes like “wicket:id” will be stripped in PRODUCTION mode.

Update [2007-06-10]: Simplified the wicket code for the “Create New Forum” form after it dawned on me that the existing POJO is more than sufficient for form binding. The older version can be found here: forum-form-screen2.png

The Java code for the Wicket form page can be made even more tighter using an anonymous inner class for the form. This is a nice example of how Wicket gets you to exercise the Java OO parts of your brain, and it is worth comparing this with the “ForumFormPage.java” above.

Update: I uploaded the Java and HTML source for the 2 Wicket pages. Since WordPress has restrictions on uploads (no *.zip allowed for e.g.), you have to rename the files correctly if you download them – Forum List Page: HTML / Java | Forum Form Page: HTML / Java

How to do String operations in Ant

I was trying to create an Ant based wizard to generate a Wicket quickstart project. So like the trend nowadays the script should prompt you for the project name at the start then *boom* – you get your Maven2 directory structure, pom.xml, web.xml, a couple of placeholder web-pages – just type mvn jetty:run and you are up and running.

I wanted the user to only enter the project-name: a lower-case string without spaces or special characters. Then I wanted the Wicket Application class to be generated as per tradition i.e. if your project short name is “test” the file should be “TestApplication.java”

But then it hit me – there is no way to do things like uppercase / lowercase string conversion in Ant! Yikes. I could make-do with a second prompt for the user to get the application class name, but hey, that’s so not-DRY, and I like an Ant challenge :)

One option was to use Beanshell – but I’m obsessed with getting things to work with a “clean” Ant install, without messing around with the classpath or ant-home. After being spoilt by Maven, I don’t like having orphan jar files lying around in the project directory structure either.

So I ended up doing this. Here is a small Java class that processes a command line argument and writes the result to a file:

import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.PrintWriter;

public class TitleCaser {

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        FileOutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("target/temp.txt");
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(os);
        String s = args[0];
        out.write(Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) + s.substring(1));


This java file resides in an “etc” folder. And the start of the Ant script looks like this:

<javac srcdir="etc" includes="TitleCaser.java"/>        
<input message="Enter Project Name:" addproperty="project.name"/>
<java classpath="etc" classname="TitleCaser">
     <arg value="${project.name}"/>
<loadfile property="project.name.titleCase" srcFile="target/temp.txt"/> 

I know, I know, Ant is XML, it is a declarative language, I must be crazy etc. But I can think of all kinds of interesting things to do with this approach. There are various ways to load stuff into Ant from files, “loadfile” is just one of them. Think of the possibilities – you can generate Java code from Ant, “javac” it on the fly and work around all the Ant limitations like not having good control-flow support etc. Maybe you can even generate some XML and use that in a downstream target and tell your boss that your Ant build is SOA compliant…

The Democratization of Knowledge

Found through Boing Boing as usual. Again, is it just me or is this *the* theme of the moment.

Who Says We Know: On the new Politics of Knowledge – by Larry Sanger, co-founder of Wikipedia. Quote:

Professionals are no longer needed for the bare purpose of the mass distribution of information and the shaping of opinion. The hegemony of the professional in determining our background knowledge is disappearing—a deeply profound truth that not everyone has fully absorbed.

The votaries of Web 2.0, and especially the devout defenders of Wikipedia, know this truth very well indeed. In their view, Wikipedia represents the democratization of knowledge itself, on a global scale, something possible for the first time in human history. Wikipedia allows everyone equal authority in stating what is known about any given topic. Their new politics of knowledge is deeply, passionately egalitarian.

I was recently commenting to my boss that the days of so-called experts who make themselves relevant by creating powerpoint slides and layers of abstraction are numbered. Why? Because with the technology you have nowadays, you can have all the information you need by say just doing a Google search on your handheld. Suppose you were in a discussion with some “expert” and you wanted to argue a point. The playing field is a lot different nowadays.

Interestingly Stephen Colbert’s take on “Wikiality” is mentioned in passing. Heh. I used to watch the Daily Show a couple of years back and am a big fan of both Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, and I have to say that Stephen Colbert is the Greatest Living American.

Find out why.

Using JMeter RegEx for handling dynamic / generated URLs

I recently contributed a section to the Wicket wiki on how to use JMeter’s Regular Expression support to test Wicket applications. Some of it should be useful for anyone having to test web applications where the URLs for hyperlinks and form submissions are dynamically generated and known only at runtime. For example, I used this technique earlier for testing an app using Spring WebFlow – so I was able to grab the value of the “_flowExecutionKey” parameter, which is typically a hidden form field.

Link: Wicket and JMeter with Regular Expressions

Traditional news-media will die

I came across this blog post Live Internet Video Stream while surfing Techmeme (which is really useful btw!) about how easy it is to connect a bunch of people over the internet using a variety of technologies, webcam, skype, twitter etc. and it was fascinating to read. Quote below:

Just as things were starting to pick up, an earthquake struck Acapulco. Local twitterers started tweeting – and Scoble picked up on the trend. Before long, a Mexico City blogger (who had experienced a 6.0 aftershock) was connected to the Ustream chat. I requested his Skype ID for a video chat – and we were connected within minutes. More people tuned into the live A/V stream, more people re-twittered the link, more people became active in the Ustream chat room, and #twitter on irc.wyldryde.org also started to receive a flurry of activity.

At some point during this convergence, I had started a live (free) teleconference using the LiveOffice service. Dozens of people were talking to one another in real-time, while watching me speaking with a man in another country about an event that was unfolding quicker than could be covered by traditional media outlets.

Awesome at many levels. I guess I should take a look at Twitter. And get a decent webcam.

But of late I can’t help thinking that this kind of nerdvana news is popping up more frequently than before. A couple of months backl I was reading about Ray Kurzweil. I like to think that the pace of technology is really accelerating and building upon itself in the way that Ray Kurzweil declares. Or maybe the new thoughts planted in my mind just makes it more likely for me to spot these kind of news items.

But just a sampling of the other news items that stood out for me over the last few weeks:

Two Episodes Into Prom Queen And I’m Completely Hooked
A direct-to-internet video series. One of the comments on that post said:

The advantage of being web based is that there are no FCC regulations to worry about.
So they will be able to take ” sex sells” to a much higher level than [their] TV counterparts […]

Mmm. Disruptive technologies :)

Brain waves control video game
Title says it all eh.

Blood groups ‘can be converted’
Scientists have developed a way of converting one blood group into another. Just one example of how we are re-defining ourselves. As per Ray Kurzweil, nanotechnology is a big part of the future. I used to dismiss nano as nonsense, but now I’m not so sure.

Who Created “Hillary 1984”? Mystery Solved!
It is worth reading what “ParkRidge47” wrote when he owned up to making the YouTube clip. If you are a true geek, some of it will give you goosebumps:

I made the “Vote Different” ad because I wanted to express my feelings about the Democratic primary, and because I wanted to show that an individual citizen can affect the process. There are thousands of other people who could have made this ad, and I guarantee that more ads like it–by people of all political persuasions–will follow.

This shows that the future of American politics rests in the hands of ordinary citizens. […]

This ad was not the first citizen ad, and it will not be the last. The game has changed.

The Machine is Using Us
Boing Boing had a post on this a month or so back: Web 2.0 explained in a short, moving video. This is apparently the final version. From the YouTube description you can find links to high resolution versions for download.

It looks like we are built to share the information in our minds. That explains what drives the Internet and maybe even Open Source. We are clearly building technology that enables sharing of our thoughts.

It is exciting and scary at the same time to contemplate what the future will bring.

JTrac UI makeover

After migrating to Wicket I spent some time on the long pending UI makeover. And as expected, Wicket made tweaking the UI a lot easier. Here’s the obligatory before-and-after screenshot:


Ugh. What was I thinking. With that shady background image, the oh-so-retro html horizontal rule etc. – no wonder JTrac was pulled up by the style police :)


A few open-source icons and a cleaner color scheme can make a big difference.

The love-affair with Wicket is still going strong. If you are interested, you can have a look at the JSP source of the old screen and compare it with the new HTML one.

Being a somewhat complicated screen – this may be a good example. There is a fair amount of merging of table rows and columns, and a large number of submit buttons have to be handled. A bunch of javascript appears at the start of the JSP to make handling the submit buttons easier as well as a few hidden form fields at the end – all of which are gone in the Wicket version. Then there is lots and lots of JSTL – sprinklings of c:if, c:choose etc and a staggering amount of nesting in the c:forEach loops – all crying out to be done in pure Java instead.

It is worth pointing out the significant amount of logic in the JSP – for example:

<c:when test="${stateRowEntry.key == 0 && stateColEntry.key != 1}">

And this part especially looks much better in the Wicket version because I could use constants:

if(stateKeyRow == State.NEW && stateKeyCol != State.OPEN) {.

The HTML is well – just plain old HTML with wicket:id attributes. As you can imagine – it was much easier to work with this and just plug the images into the right places.

If you are working with JSF or JSP – are you envying me yet? :P

Wicket Impressions, moving from Spring MVC / WebFlow

[update 2008-05-27: A detailed presentation that summarizes this blog post along with visuals and code snippets is now available]

For quite a while, I was trying to ignore the increasing buzz about Wicket, convincing myself that I don’t need yet another MVC framework (there are too many of them anyway), but somewhere between the Javalobby articles, the InfoQ article and the O’ReillyNet article – my resolve cracked and I took a closer look.

It looked interesting and so I decided to try and migrate a selected few JSP screens of an existing Spring MVC + Spring WebFlow application to Wicket. This went much better than I expected and two months later (not full time) – I completed migrating the entire app to Wicket and it is now ready for a new release as a 100% JSP free application. I’m now trying to convince my colleagues to try Wicket and they give me strange looks because I was an outspoken Spring MVC / WebFlow fan not so long ago : )

So is Wicket the one true MVC framework that a lot of us have been hunting for? At the moment, I tend to think so. Of course I have not tried GWT, Tapestry, RIFE, Stripes, JSF, Seam, Echo2 and the other usual suspects. And how is Wicket better than Spring MVC and Spring WebFlow? Having used both, I will attempt to elaborate below.

[update1: I tried JSF, and you can read my comparison of Wicket with JSF]

[update2: I also tried GWT and here is my comparison of Wicket vs GWT]

[update3: Detailed performance & memory usage comparison of Wicket with Seam / JSF]

Lots of information is already available on Wicket and how it compares with other frameworks in general, so here I will try to focus on what I experienced when I moved from JSP + SMVC + SWF to Wicket. The way I had to throw some of my pre-conceived notions about Java web-app development out of the window may be of interest to you. This is not a very structured list, but I’ve been meaning to put down these first-hand Wicket impressions for a while, so here goes:

Pure Java
If you like Java you will really like Wicket. Over the last two months, I was surprised to learn a few Java-isms that I was not aware of – such as some subtleties when using anonymous inner classes etc. To be really productive with Wicket I think that your Java fundamentals do need to be sound. But that is a good thing.

Great component model
The application that I migrated is a reasonably complex one, with a few CRUD screens, forms, search results etc – and Wicket offered almost everything I needed – and more. I was able to easily create a couple of custom components like:

  • a date picker (Wicket has one but I really wanted to write my own)
  • a variant of a multi-select check box where if there are pre-selected values, they “float” to the top of the list. It was very easy to create this by extending the Wicket multi-select checkbox.

Once you get used to components (even a web page is a component) as opposed to URL mappings and MVC actions, you can develop at a very fast clip. After experiencing the elegance of this kind programming model where you can show or hide components and control all this in pure Java code as opposed to hacking in JSP or JSTL, you really won’t feel like going back.

I used to hold the opinion that people new to Java who need to learn how to create web-applications could probably skip most of the Swing sections in the typical introductory course material and get straight on to Servlets and JSPs. Now I have completely reversed this thinking. Swing-style coding is the future for web-applications, I can feel it :)

In the old app I had written a custom JSP tag for the special multi-select checkbox list and was quite pleased with the result. I used to think that JSP tags were more than sufficient to create re-usable components and using Prototype directly was enough do fancy Ajax things etc. Now I have revised that opinion as well.

*Real* separation of concerns
Because the application I was developing had zero JSP scriptlets and strictly used JSTL, I was under the impression that I had reached nirvana in terms of separation-of-concerns.

Of course I was wrong again. In Wicket, all layout is controlled in good old HTML files. And Wicket has some neat-o ways to do markup-y things in the Java code itself – like for instance how you can color alternate rows when rendering an HTML table.

If you have a separate team doing the presentation look and feel work, they can truly work in isolation and their output can be used as-is. Although I don’t care about this at the moment (in my case, the UI designer and Java developer is the same guy), I’m sure that this is a big deal for most development shops. I am aware that Tapestry promises the same thing.

So this is a key difference from Swing where you have the concept of layout managers. As far as I know this is where frameworks like GWT and Echo2 are different from Wicket because they also have layout controlled in Java code. IMHO the Wicket approach is the right one because you get the separation of concerns advantage. And I personally like complete control of the markup. I mean, with all those silly cross-browser incompatibilities and the need to finely adjust spacing, padding, coloring and the like, this seems to be a good thing.

This is very nice because:

  • You can do things much more easily and efficiently in pure Java than in JSP and the limited syntax of JSTL. Ever had that nagging feeling that your JSPs were getting un-maintainable? Try Wicket!
  • You can refactor confidently and catch problems at compile time which are not possible with JSP. For example if in JSTL you were referring to a non-existent Javabean property, you may not know until the page renders.
  • Pages are no longer slow the first time you access them because there is no more JSP compilation step
  • in my case, the app embeds Jetty and now I don’t need the JSP jar dependencies any more. This cuts the Jetty footprint from about 7 MB (including Ant and the Eclipse Java compiler) to about 1.3 MB. I had tried JSP pre-compilation earlier but gave up because of differences in how Tomcat / Jasper does things vs the Glassfish JSP engine. Jetty + the web-app requires only a JRE to run if there are no JSPs.
  • A nice side-effect of using wicket is that your pages are guaranteed to be XHTML compliant

The downside is of course that you have to recompile a little more often than if you were using JSPs. Wicket does allow you to change the markup on the fly and refresh in debug mode. Also, Wicket provides out of the box, a very detailed error page with some nice syntax coloring telling you exactly where the problem lies in your markup or otherwise – which is very, very cool.

Ah, again, *really*. Re-usability in the JSP world is a custom tag or a hack-y include file.

I already mentioned how easy it is to extend (yes, extend as in the Java keyword) a Wicket component to customize how it behaves. And once you get the hang of the Wicket way of doing things and how to use anonymous inner classes to your advantage, life is good :)

So compared to doing things in JSP, it is far less work in Wicket to create a component that is truly re-usable, say across all the pages of your application. And unlike JSP tags, you get the full benefit of the Java OO features. Did I mention that the design of the whole Component class hierarchy in Wicket feels very nicely done?

Wicket also has a Panel concept where you can group custom markup + components and re-use the group as a single unit to your hearts content. IMHO you really don’t need any “tiles” kind of framework anymore, just create panels and instantiate them at will.

Templates for web pages
Something I really missed in the JSP world was the ability to have all pages have a consistent header and footer and I really hated having to add includes to all JSPs to achieve this. Not any more. Wicket has a brilliant markup inheritance concept that simply works.

I’m guessing that this is the killer feature of Wicket. Control freak that I am, I was at first concerned that Wicket comes along with its own basic Ajax implementation, or in other words it provides a replacement for say Prototype or Dojo out of the box. I initially tried to use Prototype from Wicket and was pleasantly surprised when that proved really easy. Adding on Scriptaculous effects was no problem either.

But after trying the Ajax support in Wicket I was really impressed and soon decided to do away with all those *.js files lying around in my web-app. The very useful Ajax debug popup that automagically appears on your web pages in debug mode is one good reason to rely upon Wicket’s built in Ajax. Now I feel confident that I can implement any kind of fancy Ajax on my screens, so bring it on! One example that I tried and can mention here: it was very, very easy to create a page that runs a long running process in a separate thread and updates a progress indicator through Ajax every few seconds or so.

So using Ajax is as simple as telling Wicket that instead of showing or hiding a component using a full-page refresh, do that using Ajax partial-updates to a page. And it just works on any kind of component. And when you use Wicket’s Ajax features you typically never need to write a single line of Javascript.

I came across this quote that Ajax in Wicket is possibly better and much easier when compared to how you do it in Ruby on Rails, and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is true.

Form Binding and Validation
Spring MVC is extremely good at binding HTML forms to POJOs, (a far cry from Struts 1.X) -so can Wicket be any better? I really think so. Just like Spring MVC, as long as you have POJOs and you bind in terms of OGNL, you are fine. I was able to bind almost all of the POJOs that I was using in the earlier Spring MVC app to Wicket forms without any problem. Some things felt really cleaner – like how to have multiple submit buttons on a form.

When it comes to Form validation and displaying validation errors, there are so many options and great possibilities. By default, you can display errors in a section (feedback panel) at the top of the form. I was also able to create a Wicket “behavior” that would highlight the offending widget on the screen by applying a red CSS border around it. Lurking on the Wicket mailing list, I can see folks trying all kinds of cool things such as Ajax-ified feedback messages etc. The Wicket mailing list is a friendly source of help btw, and I got quick responses to all my newbie questions.

Other Neat Stuff
Wicket has some goodies and some of the ones that I ran into (there must be many more) were these:

  • File upload: After using Spring MVC where you have to choose say commons-fileupload and manually include the JAR, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Wicket supports multipart forms / file uploading out of the box.
  • File download: Wicket has a special “Link” class specifically for the purpose of downloading files. Wicket takes care of all the low-level details such as setting the right content-type for the browser – so you end up doing the Right Thing. You don’t need to deal directly with the HttpServletRequest or Response objects at all.
  • Buffered Image: I use JFreeChart and in the old app I had to hack around a bit to get a server-side created chart streamed into an IMG tag. Wicket has an Image component that works with a buffered image. Perfect!
  • URL Mounting: You can get those bookmarkable “friendly URLs” you want with this feature. I liked the support for “REST-ful” URLs out of the box: e.g: /foo/bar/param1/param2 – and how easy it was to use.

Security (Acegi) and Wicket
The old application was using the Acegi security framework. I started out retaining Acegi for authentication and co-existing with Wicket, which was easy. I soon realized that Wicket has a very simple authorization strategy and I was able to plug in custom code to check if a user is not logged in, redirect to a login a page etc. I was also able to easily handle an auto-login using a “remember-me” cookie.

An interesting thing from the security point of view is that the URLs that Wicket generates are inherently secure. In other words it is near-impossible to predict them as they are tightly tied to a user’s session. I came to the conclusion that simply programmatically hiding / unhiding links to secure pages based on the currently logged in user’s role would be sufficient for role-based access-control kind of security.

Acegi is very useful in a URL to MVC-action mapping situation because you can restrict URL patterns to roles – e.g. you can enforce URL wildcard rules like “/admin/**” can be viewed only by ROLE_ADMIN. I will probably continue to use Acegi for a planned remote REST/POX API to the app and for the LDAP and CAS support that it comes with etc. But I’m almost convinced that Acegi is overkill for a basic Wicket app. I am still going back and forth on this – so do let me know what you think.

Integration with Spring
This was easy. I was able to manage without the recommended wicket-spring integration JARs and went with a relatively simpler (and arguably less-elegant) approach – plucking the Spring context out of the ServletContext. In case you were wondering – I have so far used only the core wicket JAR and have not even used wicket-extensions. But I’m sure I’ll start using wicket-extensions soon, I can’t wait to try modal popup windows, the file-upload progress-indicator and the other cool stuff :)

Another example of how well thought out Wicket’s design comes across is that it took only a few lines of code to delegate to the Spring MessageSource instead of using Wicket’s default i18n. So I was able to use my existing resource bundles unchanged.

Integration with Hibernate
I use Spring on top of Hibernate and staying clear of the dreaded LazyInitializationException was as simple as adding the excellent Spring OpenSessionInViewFilter. Regarding GWT, from what I can make out, getting it to work with Hibernate may not be as easy because of the way it works. I would appreciate some comments confirming this, because this could be another key point to consider when you choose an MVC framework.

No Annotations Required
Yep, I’m one of those stubborn types who firmly believes that the only annotation that you should use is @Override. And as mentioned above I did not use the annotations based Spring integration. I bring this point up because from what I have heard – some of the other competing MVC frameworks rely a lot on annotations such as Tapestry, Stripes, RIFE, Seam etc. So if this really matters to you or if your environment is pre-JDK5.0, it could be another differentiating factor. Wicket already is famous for not needing any XML configuration at all. If the Wicket guys are reading this – I really appreciate that you have not forced users to use annotations and I sure hope Wicket stays that way!

WebFlow or Wicket
In the old app, I was using Spring WebFlow and was quite happy with it. So when I started out with Wicket, I was trying to figure out how I could integrate it with WebFlow. But as I understood Wicket more and more and things started to click in my mind, I realized that there is no way you can have them both – you have to choose one or the other.

I found WebFlow great because it allowed me to re-use subflows. So as an example if I had a use-case like “assign task to user” and the user did not exist, I could easily call the “create user” flow and then resume the original calling flow at the point where I branched out, you know – all that continuations stuff. But now my conclusion is that you can easily do all that – and more – with Wicket.

In Spring WebFlow, each view state in a flow is typically a JSP page. Which brings me to now think that it was not really designed to reuse anything more fine-grained than a JSP view – when interacting with a user. I already mentioned that Wicket allows you to reuse sections of HTML and group bunches of components into panels. So when you start trying to build more dynamic pages – I think Wicket wins. Navigating back and forth in Wicket really is child’s play, you just call or instantiate another page at will. You can even do tricks like holding a reference to a previous page, (a page is nothing but a good old Java component) so you can build any kind of complex kind of back-and-forth or wizard kind of navigation easily. I am aware that Wicket has a breadcrumb component and a wizard component but I have not tried them yet.

When it comes to Ajax, I really think Wicket is better than Spring WebFlow. Spring WebFlow is unquestionably a well designed framework, continuations and all, but sometimes I felt that certain things were constraining – for example you have to jump through a few hoops to access flow-scoped variables from outside a web-flow. When you use Ajax, you do need to do that kind of stuff a lot. In addition, in the Ajax world – you are invariably dealing with a section of a page – rather than the page in its entirety – and that is where IMHO the “page centric” nature of Spring WebFlow is a limitation.

A couple of other points, I did not use browser back-button support at all yet, but just from looking at the documentation, Wicket’s back-button support appears to be just as good, if not better. And nit-picking here – I don’t particularly like the huge UUID kind of URLs that SWF generates by default eg: /like?_flowExecutionKey=_c815540C2-03F1-39F8-19E9-D56FC0E377B7_k14D5E331-7B59-EA45-CF06-672C33FA2097
But Wicket is quite the opposite, with a “URL compressor” turned on by default.

End Note
Are there any points I have missed? Please feel free to comment and help me straighten out my thoughts on comparing some of these MVC frameworks. The migration was done on an open source app, so if you want me to pull out some “before and after” code samples, do let me know!

Afterthoughts [update 2007-03-03]
Triggered by the comments and also a few additional things that popped into my mind:

  • Unit Testability: I have not used this yet, but if this means a lot to you – Wicket has that covered. And before you look down on my lack of best practice :p let me hastily add that I use Watij, but not as much as I should have.
  • Custom Session: You can create a typesafe custom Session class and you never need to deal with the HttpSession at all.
  • Refactoring: It is worth repeating that because of no JSPs, no templating (like for e.g. Velocity) and no XML – refactoring of the Java code is simple within your plain old IDE and no special tooling is required. I can vouch for that, I am using NetBeans and have no extra modules (plugins) installed. Debugging, setting break-points and stepping-through plain old Java code is far more easier than trying to do the same thing with e.g. JSPs.
  • Simplified Stack: In my case I replaced [HTML + JS + Prototype + JSP/EL + JSTL + Spring MVC + Spring WebFlow] with [HTML + Wicket]. Also note that whether Acegi needs to be there or not is debatable.
  • Clean separation from Service Layer: This is somewhat specific to Seam and let me elaborate a little. I attended one of Gavin King’s Seam sessions recently and was a little taken aback (so were quite a few others) by the suggestion that the notion of a re-usable middle tier (service layer) is grossly over-rated, i.e. a) you normally never find yourself swapping out a layer, and b) a change in one layer always impacts the other, no matter how loosely coupled they are. Conclusion: so why bother, and you are better off merging all the layers into one. You know the feeling – like wtf, is this back to the monolithic JSP-directly-accessing-DB days!? Anyway – now I can stand up and testify that I was able to cleanly take out Spring MVC and replace with Wicket with only minimal changes to the service interface (mostly feature adds and minor refactoring). This is worth thinking over, and I also feel that a well defined Service Layer is easier to expose as an XML remote API, which I plan to do soon. Just my 2c, do comment!

More Microsoft Madness – the patenting of BlueJ

Via Ed Burnette: “Microsoft copies BlueJ, admits it, then patents it”.

Michael Kölling, one of the creators of BlueJ – writes on his blog:

Let’s get that clear: four months after management were clearly aware of our prior work (and with developers being aware from the start), Microsoft knowingly filed a patent application claiming original invention of this mechanism. […]

The fact of the matter is that the application has been filed, Microsoft are trying to get control of this interaction style, and they do so while being blatantly aware that they have copied the functionality from elsewhere.

As a result, a product like BlueJ, developed for the education community, that has helped thousands of students to learn programming, may be muscled out of existence by corporate greed.

What’s wrong with these guys?

It does look though now that the patent application was hurriedly withdrawn after news spread.

Previously: Vista DRM the “longest suicide note in history”.

Microsoft bashing

Funny stuff. First a technical paper by Peter Gutmann titled A Cost Analysis of Windows Vista Content Protection which simply says under “Executive Executive Summary” the following:

The Vista Content Protection specification could very well constitute the longest suicide note in history

Now Microsoft comes out with an offcial response which is promptly shredded to bits by the same guy. Here’s one bit I especially liked:

Will Windows Vista content protection features increase CPU resource consumption?

[Microsoft response:] Yes. However, the use of additional CPU cycles is inevitable, as the PC provides consumers with additional functionality.

Note the careful use of the term “additional functionality” rather than “enhanced functionality”. […] Another way of looking at this is to rephrase the question to “Will viruses increase CPU resource consumption?”, to which the answer is also “Yes. However, the use of additional CPU cycles is inevitable, as the PC provides consumers with additional functionality” (like spamming, phishing site hosting, and so on).

You can get more laughs in coverage by The Inquirer.

Microsoft confirms just about every point in the Gutmann piece and tries to spin it as good. It is one of the most amazing piece of PR weaselwork I have seen for years.

Found through Boing Boing. Actually if you search for “vista” in Boing Boing a whole load of stuff turns up, its crazy.

Say no to DRM!.

Novell bashing

A couple of links:

Interview with Jeremy Allison (part of the Samba team) on boycottnovell.com on why he quit Novell after the deal with Microsoft.

The online petition against Novell (initiated by Bruce Perens) – which is a good read that clearly explains the scams and legal nonsense behind software patents. Quote below:

Let’s be truthful about software patents: there can be no non-trivial computer program, either proprietary or Free, that does not use methods that are claimed in software patents currently in force and unlicensed for use in that program. There are simply enough patents, on enough fundamental principles, to make this so. If all software patents were enforced fully, the software industry would grind to a halt.